My column for Nowonder.
A little bit about getting older but first a few thoughts about the Mad Hatter. Last month started with my comments about the man who brought me here from Mpls. going on 40 years ago. Since then my friend and 80's co worker Bill and I went to Burlington for a celebration of the man. Two of my friends who had been with us when we signed on the radio station KZEV February 1st 1978 were there and we swapped stories from the old days. Most of the people there were from that city and it really gave me a different look at how people saw him. There were those who knew him as this really wonderful friend and neighbor and how they were going to miss seeing him out mowing the lawn and around town. Co workers from his radio station he still had a couple of accounts that he kept up. The point is that I kind of blacked out that whole part of his life and gained my exposure to the part I hadn't seen.
Made me appreciate him even more.
I have about reached the age where the only advertising you see with us is for hard of hearing grouchy old people. There are a few benes about certain things such as senior discounts and parking. Some people actually enjoy hearing about your experiences and are happy to have you pass them along.
What's funny now is the group of middle age (45 plus) friends I have who bemoan the fact that only 20 somethings are all you see in advertising...
We are closing in on MMXVIII and another 12 months of who knows what.
Disclaimer: I am in no way complaining about getting older, I know too many who were denied the experience and I miss them all.
Why do I call this month Nowonder? This time of year it's a common answer to comments about almost anything, you just say No Wonder!
Back in 30 days have a good one. Look for something to be thankful for no matter how big or small.
A little bit about getting older but first a few thoughts about the Mad Hatter. Last month started with my comments about the man who brought me here from Mpls. going on 40 years ago. Since then my friend and 80's co worker Bill and I went to Burlington for a celebration of the man. Two of my friends who had been with us when we signed on the radio station KZEV February 1st 1978 were there and we swapped stories from the old days. Most of the people there were from that city and it really gave me a different look at how people saw him. There were those who knew him as this really wonderful friend and neighbor and how they were going to miss seeing him out mowing the lawn and around town. Co workers from his radio station he still had a couple of accounts that he kept up. The point is that I kind of blacked out that whole part of his life and gained my exposure to the part I hadn't seen.
Made me appreciate him even more.
I have about reached the age where the only advertising you see with us is for hard of hearing grouchy old people. There are a few benes about certain things such as senior discounts and parking. Some people actually enjoy hearing about your experiences and are happy to have you pass them along.
What's funny now is the group of middle age (45 plus) friends I have who bemoan the fact that only 20 somethings are all you see in advertising...
We are closing in on MMXVIII and another 12 months of who knows what.
Disclaimer: I am in no way complaining about getting older, I know too many who were denied the experience and I miss them all.
Why do I call this month Nowonder? This time of year it's a common answer to comments about almost anything, you just say No Wonder!
Back in 30 days have a good one. Look for something to be thankful for no matter how big or small.