MusicArtLife's first author profile!
Sydney Hedberg is the oldest daughter of former Mason City residents Mark and Kristi Hedberg, who owned and operated KLSS-FM/KRIB-AM radio stations here. Sydney, now a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Ole Miss with double majors in Risk Management and Insurance/Managerial Finance, has written her first book, "Barneys, Bergdorfs & Bill$: A Girlfriends' Guide to Finance." Here, she shares with us her inspiration for writing the book.
"At 22, in the summer of 2015, I had returned to Houston, Texas to work an internship in the oil and gas insurance brokering industry (the company I will begin my first job with this fall). I extended my college career one extra semester to double major, so most of my friends had recently graduated and started calling me for advice on their new "adult" life. I decided the best answer would simply be to write a formal book to help out my sorority sisters.
During college I really developed a love for my finance and business courses. I loved understanding the stock market, the in's and out's of the federal reserve and simply being well informed about the world. Picking up a copy of the Wall Street Journal or Barron's wasn't a chore for me, I just wanted to be as smart as I could which would enable me to be as savvy as I possibly could.
When big CEO's would come to speak at our business school it inspired me tremendously. Many of them had been the pioneers of industry. They took calculated risks to get to where they were, and mostly, they saw a need and filled it, which is how the most successful entrepreneurs are born.
That was the reason I wrote "Barneys, Bergdorfs & Bill$." There is a need to enhance financial literacy in the U.S., especially among young women. My goal with this book is to empower women. There is no greater confidence booster than enhanced knowledge."
"Barneys, Bergdorfs and Bill$: A Girlfriends' Guide to Finance" is available on, as of March 11, in paperback, for $12.99.